Tina Stahl
At Risk Youth Advisor

Tina Stahl is the Founder and CEO of Emerging Grace Ministries; a non-profit organization that is a leader in fight to end child sex trafficking. Tina's career in residential childcare began about 20 years ago as a direct care staff, advancing quickly into supervisory roles and eventually obtaining her Child Care Administrator's License. She has a master's degree in human service management. Her passion is simply to offer hope to disadvantaged youth. Tina's strengths include training staff to work with children from hard places.

Throughout all that experience Tina recognized that child sex trafficking victims are the least understood and most underserved population. As a result, in 2020 she set out to create a residential program specifically designed to work with this population. In the waiting for the right campus for the past three years, Tina and her board have been educating our local communities about the seriousness of this issue. In March of 2023, Tina purchased the first property that will be remodeled to become the first Grace House. Remodeling is well underway with anticipated opening day planned for early 2024.

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